Random Manipulation of a Random SmugMug Image
For details on the nuts and bolts behind this project, see this post. Original image source: https://twilson.smugmug.com/Birds-of-Ohio/i-SH3n743
Transformations performed:
- Median (magick) -> Pixels: 37
- Modulation (magick) -> Brightness: 130 | Saturation: 149 | Hue: 160
- Sketching (sketcher) -> Style: 2 | Lineweight: 3 | Contrast: 47 | Shadow: 0.953846743796021 | Gain: 0.856392673682421
- Colorize (magick) -> Color: #cb6906 | Opacity 41%
- Quantize (magick) -> Max Colors in Image: 7
The resulting image: